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Biographie : 9.7 Richter

There was back in 2oo2 when Adrian Tănase got Adrian Rus - guitar and Mihai (Mişu) Dumitraşcu - drums to know each other.
Together in Adrian's grandfather's garage all started over. After some time Emil Sestac came to bass and unfortunately Adrian Tănase couldn't help us with his voice anymore and this lead to find Aurelian Bărbieru for taking this role.

After some heavily drinking night, Mişu came with the name.. 9,7 RICHTER - and all the braniac struggling about the band title came to an end.
A few months passed and some covers were done, Bogdan Mihalcea joined because we needed a second guitar.

The bass player role was quite unsure after Emil left for study in Cluj, and the first gig found us with a new member in: Razvan. After certain months in this formula Razvan left, and Sorin Nistor came along for a few shows until we could find someone stable.

Besides our usual gigs, we decided to spice up the things a little bit and a Black Sabbath cover night with Adrian Tănase on vocals was the deal to be done. Ovidiu Cristea was to be found the new bass player after many searches.

Unfortunately some personal matters left 9,7 Richter without vocals in 2006 and this time we had some big problems finding somebody fitted for the role. Those three years of all around gigs seemed to be stopped for an undetermined period of time. The Demo recordings were also suspended and the biggest challenge of 9,7 Richter's short history, to find a reasonable voice, started.

Meanwhile Mişu continued to play his drummer role in the Black Magic band. Adrian joined also another band, called Fortress of Faith, and the 9,7 Richter's ground was left unstable until.. ..One day;
It took us almost two years to find this bastard, and there he is today: Cosmin Aioniţă.
We quickly recorded an Demo track and the work started again. Back in the rehearsal room and getting together the old tracks along with Cosmin's voice.

Ready again to hit the stages with new material coming along soon.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/97richter