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biografía : Defueld

Defueld is a five-piece band from Stockholm, Sweden. The music can be described as a mix of contemporary metal and heavy rock with an emphasis on strong melodies, vocal harmonies and heavy grooves.

Defueld started in late 2003 as a solo project by Christoffer Wetterström. At that time, it was never his intention to make something real out of it since things were going quite well with the band he was currently in, the black metal band Darkmoon Ritual. As time went on, Darkmoon Ritual started to fade and Christoffer found himself working more and more with his solo project. He asked Alex Ånfalk, which at the time played bass in Darkmoon Ritual, if he would be interested in joining him on rhythm guitar. A band was forming...

When the line-up was complete, with Ludde Siggelin on keyboards, Benny Strålberg on bass and Viktor Eklund on drums, the demo 'VS Yourself' was recorded in Studio Music Solutions in Stockholm. The demo was followed up with gigs at, among others, Klubben in Stockholm and Dino's on Åland and a second place in the semi-final of the 'Bryggeriet Live!'-competition in Stockholm.
But the following spring the quintet turned into a duo when Ludde, Benny and Viktor left the band due to lack of time and/or motivation. The band was to be re-formed...

In July 2007 Emil Bygde joined the band as bass player and shortly thereafter Fredrik Hedberg teamed up as keyboard player. Waiting for the perfect drummer to announce himself, the band spent the autumn of 2007 rehearsing intensely, producing a very tight and powerful rock quartet.
Drummer Johan Sundborger joined Defueld in January 2007 and during his 10 months with the band (Johan left the band in October 2007) the tight Defueld-sound was developed even further, resulting in a place in the grand finale of the 'Bryggeriet Live!'-competition that year. When Johan left Defueld, the excellent drummer/musician Patrik Jansson (Maryslim) agreed to temporarily take his place. How temporarily this was is still to be decided since Patrik still plays with the band...

In November of 2007 Defueld went to Senegal, Africa, performing for more than 6000 people in the suburbs of Dakar. Invited by African promoters, Defueld also held workshops and clinics with famous African artists resulting in a crossbreed of Metal and Senegalese Hip-hop, which came to be known as "Hip-Rock". The event got huge attention and was embraced by the national media, calling Defueld's visit one of the biggest things to happen in the Senegalese music scene in the last 20 years. Additional shows were also performed in front of especially invited press, VIP's and embassy personnel.

In January of 2008 Defueld entered the studio to record their self titled debut album set to be released in late summer 2008. Defueld will be promoting their debut album with several shows on different continents the summer and fall of 2008. Their debut release ´Defueld´ is a heavy, grooving, melodic masterpiece that is filled with everything from thrash metal and heavy rock to piano ballads, simply put, something for everyone. The singles "Spawn" and "Forever", two live-show crowd pleasers, will be featured on their debut CD along with 9 other songs; an album aspiring for the title, 'Debut album of the year' and a future classic. Keep your eyes and ears open!

Source : http://www.defueld.com/