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biografía : Black Hawk

Groß Sarau Heavy Metal band BLACK HAWK quoted a line-up comprising singer Holger Burmester, guitarists Thomas Juddat and Norbert Wieczorek, bassist Martin Schulz with Gonzo Loss on drums. Founded in 1981 the band debuted with a 1985 demo 'Thank God For The Rock' then launched the album 'First Attack' in 1989. The demo '5 By 5' emerged in 1995. However, the group folded in 1997.

BLACK HAWK reformed in 2001. Following completion of a 2003 demo, 'Back For Attack', Thomas Juddat was forced out due to illness. By 2005 the membership saw only Wieczorek and Loss surviving, new members being vocalist Udo Bethke, second guitarist Thorsten Bettge with Michael Wieckenberg on bass. The new BLACK HAWK released the anniversary album 'Twenty Five'.

BLACK HAWK released its third album, entitled 'Dragonride', in January 2007 via Karthago Records. This release included a digitally remastered version of the band's first mini-album 'First Attack'.

Source : www.Rockdetector.com