Angra enter the studio in mid February

Wednesday 03 February 2010 - 18:55:50 by heroesofsand

Angra official note (Myspace)

"Hey folks!

We are very excited to bring you these news! We are
almost done writing the songs for the new album, and we couldn't be
happier! There is a general feeling that this is gonna be a really
great album. Every time I listen to ourselves playing the songs, I
can't help smiling. We are totally into every little detail and small
part to make this one of the best Angra albums ever.

rehearsals are taking place at Ricardo's country house, near São Paulo.
We don't have TV or internet, and phone signal is very poor, so we
can't help but concentrate fully on the composition process, and this
is intentional. We have a whole new set of challenges in the new
arragements, since every part of them is being taken to the next level,
both technically and musically.

We will enter the studio in mid February, and we'll keep you posted on the latest news.


Angra French Blog


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