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Biography : Zombie Death Stench

Zombie Death Stench plays reanimated death metal mixed with underpinnings of old school Black metal. Mixed within and between their aural assaults are cold analog sounds that are evocative of horror movies and Sci-Fi of the late 70's and 80's. Their lyrics are laden with references to horror movies and the darker sides of occultism. Nothing is Sacred to them. . . Only the Undead!

The Gory Details. . .

The idea that would be the genesis of Zombie Death Stench came to Jason Rossetti (Shadow Fiend) and Jamie Jenness (Phantom) way back in the summer of 1995. With wildly divergent musical tastes and back grounds the duo originally planned only to do a small side project. It was to be called “Sixty Pound Colon” and their idea was to ape and mock the overly pretentious hair metal bands of the eighties. As the years went by Jason and Jamie continued to pursue music separately but kept the idea simmering in the back of their minds.

Jason spent much of the rest of the nineties wandering from metal band to metal band in search of truly dedicated musicians. As with much of the Modesto music scene this proved to be a nearly fruitless endeavor. Then with the birth of the new millennium Jason joined the band “Obsidian” as lead guitarist. After a few months of playing together the band hired Jamie to record their demo. The recordings were made in a hurry because of the imminent departure of their guitarist/lead singer Deimitri Reyes.

Earlier in the summer of 2001 Jamie left his long time band “Sinewave” because of creative differences. Along with ex-“Sinewave” guitarist Chris Amato he formed a new band called “Pleasant Valley Aerospace”. They spent the new couple of years recording the bands first album “Missing Persons” hidden away in Jamie's home studio. Looking to start making money with recording Jamie eventually was contacted by Jason about recording the “Obsidian” demo.

Jamie had not been very happy with the results of the recording and had felt if given more time he could have provided a better product. So he asked Jason if he was interested in recording some of his "Dark Tides" solo material. Jason had heard the results of Jamie's work when he was allowed to engineer the recordings properly and was very interested. So they made plans to record the "Dark Tides" material as soon as possible.

It was also during this time that the remaining members of "Obsidian" along with Jason formed the new band "Veral Dominae".

As things usually go with musicians, a series of setbacks caused Jason and Jamie to put off recording anything together for almost two more years. By this time they had tossed around many different ideas including possibly recording the “Sixty Pound Colon” album. Over the years the “Sixty Pound Colon” idea had evolved from just a simple joke into something more akin to an Industrial Metal band. In early 2004 Jamie had begun programming beats that they planned on using for an EP. It was while working on these songs that they hit upon a new name and a new direction.

Thus “Zombie Death Stench” rose up from the grave and became the horrible monster it is today. Stitching together Shadow Fiend 's passion for Black and Death Metal with Phantom 's appendage like obsession for horror and sci-fi soundtracks they are an amalgamation that is something terrifyingly new. They believe that Zombie Metal will never die because it was never alive to begin with! You have just this one chance to prepare. This will be your first and only warning. Heed our advice: Organize before we Rise!

Source : http://www.2xtreme.net/~gjenness/zds/bio.html