Hell >> What was first Life or Death? (bit of philosophy).
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Tuesday 29 April 2008 - 13:45:44

citation :
angels say :

citation :
In54nE say :
I just felt accidently on your conversation of life and death,and i wanna say somthing about it... :
Who said that death was The End of Live ??
Maybe is death just the beginning of one life...
So death can be life...
For me the material life we are living in is not the real live... it is just an experience that we have to walk trough to understand the meaning of a spiritual evolution...
I believe in the fact that death is a relief of the material body, and that our soul continues to live...
So for me death is just another way to say that the soul has quit a material existance.
To be Again a the point of this conversation ... what was first ? ... death doesn't exist than i would say the spiritual Live was first ! ^^

The source of this spiritual life was first...

yea ok...but we were speaking between life and death,not the other things ^^

Tuesday 29 April 2008 - 14:01:23

citation :
In54nE say :  
yea ok...but we were speaking between life and death, not the other things ^^

You're right!!
I was just adding the happy ending of the story! Because I liked the way you started it...lol0

Wednesday 30 April 2008 - 01:10:47

citation :
angels say :

citation :
asphyxia_forever say : I dont believe there's anything after death, thats Why im so afraid of Dying which has made me VERY paranoid. These chrisitans say that only humans go to "heaven" well heaven doesnt exsist and what makes humans special anyway? I believe when we die, we die

*btw; I miss reading your posts0*
Well... that's the reason Why, I started this thread...
If there's a chance of being dead before we were born...
There should be a CHANCE to be alive after we will die...
And to be afraid Means not to know...You need to know, to end up being afraid...

(Yeah sorry.. I had school holidays.. you know what that Means no time for computers)

But how would we know what happens before or after death when we can't experiance it!? you know those people that die for a little bit then come back to life? I read in this Ghost book that they see a light and shit.. i dont believe that, there just christians >.> lol

Im the kind of person that if i don't know exactly what something is im afraid of it, and i just cant think that floating around just being a soul is real...

Anyway, sorry for going off topic! But yeah thanks

Tuesday 27 May 2008 - 22:01:19
There, there...
Easy, please. This is the same as what was first, the egg or the hen? It is clear that the egg was first, created from varios alive bacteria together with water and some more elements... Death is not necessary to create life... Death can't exist without life... We need Live materia to develope life and no the other way round. I know some of you may think you are "dark" because you think death is romantic, but it is not. Life is the beginning, The End and the path itself.
Miguel A.
By the way, support ...Of Dream and Drama. Check it out at Spirit of Metal, please.

Friday 03 June 2016 - 03:56:23

Was there a before between life or death? Well, yes and no, we all know the universe was expanded in about 4.500.000.000 years ago so matter was here long before life
But if we ask ourselves what life is, its preety difficult, it all started with a single cell, which contains thousands of proteins doing a specific job for a greater good ( keep the cell alive)
A cell does not know what it is doing, or what is happening around it, it just "is" a cell is just livin period
But with evolution cells could create complex systems, and the most complex system ever created is brain, the phylosophycal part gets in when we try to define conciousness,
Conciuosness is the awareness of what is going on and the act of think ( in a nutshell [ conciousness is way more complicated to explain])
So you should ask, what was before conciousness?