Discussions about Music >> Non-metal lovers: what do we call them?
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Thursday 24 May 2012 - 22:01:31
All right, calm Down, you freaks. I was just asking a question to see if anyone had any response. No need to be assholes.

Thursday 24 May 2012 - 22:08:02

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Panzerjager says : Posers?? Non metal people?? Wtf?

Somebody is hired to ask stupid questions


Thursday 24 May 2012 - 23:08:43

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Dragonscorn says : All right, calm Down, you freaks. I was just asking a question to see if anyone had any response. No need to be assholes.

Well, I would like to discuss one point...

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Does anyone have a word for people who just don't get metal.

Doesn't something seem off about this Sentence and what you just called them?

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people who just don't get metal.

Ah, yes, this useless phrase governing the idea that people don't "understand" metal. What you're looking for is merely "people who don't listen to metal". If you are attempting to find some way to label that group of people as not being able to understand metal, then you might as well just stop now. Please. So, you insulted them and said they were acting like assholes whereas you give an implication that you think some lack the understanding of metal, and this makes you less of an asshole than they were? I believe what they said was fine concerning the delusion in this topic.

Before you make a thread and propose an idea, think it through a bit beforehand.

Sunday 27 May 2012 - 12:32:02
This thread is worse than the ones' i have posted, and i have posted some shit ones.0
Sunday 27 May 2012 - 16:16:44
I think the question in itself is biased to assume that more people should like metal and comes from a perspective of the Heavy Metal fanbase. Kind of like Jewish people who refer to others as 'non-Jewish' which is of course a ridiculous term since Jewish people are in such a small minority (like metalheads). Why do you have to call them something? Why not just say 'people who don't like metal', or, as you put it, 'non-metalheads'.

Tuesday 29 May 2012 - 08:12:36
... must there be a name for EVERYTHING nowadays?

Monday 04 June 2012 - 05:29:14
uhhh... I think "people" is a nice, general term. That's what I usually call them.

Friday 01 February 2013 - 01:45:16

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Enigmatick says : why don't we just call them by their fuckin' names?
if they dont Insult METAL I do, otherwise...NO such Dignity shall be afforded to them.  

Friday 01 February 2013 - 01:46:51

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Demogorefest says : uhhh... I think "people" is a nice, general term. That's what I usually call them.
then if we love Metal are we now not in the group called ..."People"?   just wondering...

Friday 01 February 2013 - 02:08:58
I have to say looking back on this thread, that we were super dicks to this guy.