Hell >> Misanthropy
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If you had the chance to Wipe Humanity off the face of the earth, would you do it?

Tuesday 20 October 2009 - 15:06:16

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S1mppa says : Just to clarify this to myself; as a Misanthrope, do you Despise yourself as well?

i Despise myself possibly most0

Wednesday 21 October 2009 - 13:27:13

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1Archon1 says : Oh please . Thats classic . I Hate Humanity too , and every person i have found and thought that was better than the rest of the crap ruined this image just a while later . And i mean , everyone . That doesnt mean i want to Kill them . We live in a fucked up world and believe me , most people dont know how much . To understand it , you must get so fucked up by life that you wont even Dare think about it . But look at the other side . If are all the same shit (and we are) the first thing before killing the rest of Humanity is to Kill ourselves . Or instead of thinking of how we will Kill the others , we can, for ONCE in our fucking lives do some good. And if we really try who knows what might change?  But you know what ? We prefer to Hide in that shell of "i am Evil and the others cant understand me" than actually try to change things .
totally agree

Thursday 05 November 2009 - 20:20:54
Well, i'm kinda Misanthrope myself to be honest, but even while being Misanthrope, i still want to believe that humans ( or some ) can become trustworthy and nice. There's some peoples who worth to lives in here, and that's enough for me.
I don't like the idea to remove the humans from the Earth, and i'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to be removed yourself from the Earth when you come to think about your family or peoples you like ( even if you're misantrope )
The only thing you have to do now is to live with it.

Monday 04 January 2010 - 09:29:52

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Lombimars says : Well, i'm kinda Misanthrope myself to be honest, but even while being Misanthrope, i still want to believe that humans ( or some ) can become trustworthy and nice. There's some peoples who worth to lives in here, and that's enough for me.
I don't like the idea to remove the humans from the Earth, and i'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to be removed yourself from the Earth when you come to think about your family or peoples you like ( even if you're misantrope )
The only thing you have to do now is to live with it.

that's very true, but when looking at the whole of mankind, i belive that it would be a greater good to remove all of us from the face of the Universe, even if it meant sacrificing our own lives.

Tuesday 03 August 2010 - 20:00:55
I'm a misanthrope. Not all humanity should Die though. Maybe just Hollywood, governments, extremists, Sex offenders, and anything Twilight. Only the things that should die.

Tuesday 03 August 2010 - 21:15:58
I would consider myself as a "half-misanthrope" or "semi-misanthrope"

I don't Hate all humanity, only most of the people i met, and i don't like it to be in a place with many people. But i surely don't want to Kill all humans, there are as much good people as there are bad people in the world.

Wednesday 04 August 2010 - 19:38:32
i personally beliive that the world would have been a much better place if Human beings hadn't been created (i'm not saying a "god" created us, but looking at the intelligence of all other creatures on Earth, it's a little puzzling how we're the only species that has sucha large array of knowledge). but since we're all here we might as well live to our full potential, it'd be nearly impossible to wipe out the human race unless some cosmic Event destroyed the entire planet.

Wednesday 11 August 2010 - 22:22:37
But we are here . so i suggest to misanthropes to get used to it or create a weapon of Mass Destruction 0

Thursday 12 August 2010 - 19:37:28
yes, true. there's alotta Nuclear warheads out there, but i doubt even a Nuclear Holocaust could wipe out the entire human race, there'd more than likely be a few hundred survivors around the world that would re-infest the world

Thursday 12 August 2010 - 21:56:46

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Demogorefest says : yes, true. there's alotta Nuclear warheads out there, but i doubt even a Nuclear Holocaust could wipe out the entire human race, there'd more than likely be a few hundred survivors around the world that would re-infest the world
The survivors would Die eventually because of radiation.