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Friday 13 March 2009 - 03:41:52
Very good explanation. I'm always going back to the alphabet part to check Again what the sound is, but I'll learn with some training

Friday 13 March 2009 - 12:44:54
Thanks 0  .
I think thats enough about the letters.There are some other combinations but they are not important...
I have already told how the words are stressed ( ΄ ) .This you may already know but you cant Stress all letters.Like in English you cant Stress letters like b,c,n,m,g etc...This happens to Greek too.The letters that can be stressed are the (α,ε,υ,η,ι,ο,ω) also some combinations can be stressed but the ( ΄ ) always goes to the second letter without affecting the way they sound (look at the letter compinations part) .Those combinations are (αι,ει,οι,ευ,αυ,ου) .Example : "I am" = " Εγώ είμαι " .

Sunday 15 March 2009 - 13:03:41
Now we move to the next level : words .
From where to begin......Ah yes, the numbers.
Lets start : 
Number-  English - Greek
0          -   Null (Zero) - Μηδέν 
1          -   One  -  Ένα     
2          -    Two -  Δύο  
3          -    Three - Τρία
4          -    Four  - Τέσσερα
5          -    Five   -  Πέντε
6          -    Six     -  Έξι
7          -    Seven -  Εφτά
8          -    Eight   -  Οχτώ
9          -    Nine    - Εννέα
10        -    ten       - Δέκα
11        -    eleven  - Έντεκα
12        -    twelve  -  Δώδεκα
From 13 to 19 the words are like < ten + the other number >
For Example :
15      -  fifteen   -  Δέκα+πέντε = Δεκαπέντε
16      -   sixteen -   Δέκα + έξι  = Δεκαέξι

Sunday 15 March 2009 - 19:03:52
I'm getting it, it's not very difficult and you teach very well. The most difficult thing is learning all the letters but once you know it, all becomes easier. Ever easier than portuguese I seriouly doubt if people are understanding me. After All, I post a one inch post just about the letter "e"...

Sunday 15 March 2009 - 19:08:22
As i said you are extensively explain your language as you should do 0  .You are doing a great job.Its not your fault your language is a bit difficult 0

Tuesday 17 March 2009 - 12:56:52
Next :
20  =  twenty =  Εικοσι
From here on the numbers are writen like <ten + the number> but in the place of ten we put Twenty,Thirty,Fourty,Fifty , etc
So i 'll mention only those numbers :
Thirty = Τριάντα
Fourty = Σαράντα
Fifty = Πενήντα
Sixty = Εξήντα
Seventy = Εβδομήντα
Eighty = Ογδόντα
Ninety = Ενενήντα
One Huntrend = Εκατό

Wednesday 25 March 2009 - 04:03:11
Now the persons :
English         Greek
I                     Εγώ
You                Εσύ
He                  Αυτός
She                 Αυτή
It                    Αυτό
We                 Εμείς
You                Εσείς
They               Αυτοί

Saturday 18 April 2009 - 13:18:46
Now is the time for the verb " be" :
English     Greek
am         Εγώ είμαι
You are    Εσύ  είσαι
He is          Αυτός  είναι 
She is        Αυτή   είναι
It   is         Αυτό    είναι
We  are     Εμείς   είμαστε 
You  are     Εσείς   είσαστε 
They  are    Αυτοί είναι 
In greek usually we dont use the persons (εγώ,εσύ,etc....) in the sentence.

Sunday 19 April 2009 - 11:00:16
I forgot.
Yes : Ναι
No :  Όχι

Sunday 19 April 2009 - 19:32:03
Also :
Maybe :  Ίσως
Propably :  Πιθανών
Yet :  Ακόμα
Since :  Από
Surely :  Σίγουρα