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Friday 04 September 2009 - 14:34:59

Blood Duster - Yeest

Sweet music from Australia death grindcore gods! Their first album featuring groovy and purulent tracks! A must-have for fans of the Australian scene (The Day Everything Became Nothing, The Kill, Fuck... I'm Dead! or Die Pigeon Die).

Friday 04 September 2009 - 14:50:53

citation :
GandhiEgo says :

Blood Duster - Yeest

Sweet music from Australia death grindcore gods! Their first album featuring groovy and purulent tracks! A must-have for fans of the Australian scene (The Day Everything Became Nothing, The Kill, Fuck... I'm Dead! or Die Pigeon Die).

Yes. i love Blood Duster. but this album missing in my collection.

Friday 04 September 2009 - 17:06:06
listened to the new Illdisposed "To Those Who Walk Behind Us"

this album seems to be really good. i need to listen it a second time when i dont make a nap on my couch!

Friday 04 September 2009 - 23:30:30
Cephalic Carnage's 'Xenosapien' and To Separate the Flesh from the Blood's 'Utopia Sadistica' are both excellent

Sunday 21 February 2010 - 23:58:06

Cool Death Grind from the United States.

Tuesday 23 February 2010 - 00:04:53
ordered Leprosy's 3rd album, Lloras Chiapas, and Transmetal's classic 1st album Muerte en la cruz, along with Mexico Barbaro

Tuesday 30 March 2010 - 14:21:19

Pure Evil - Chapter 3: Dedication

Tuesday 30 March 2010 - 15:15:43
The new Rompeprop CD "Gargle Cummics". It's so bad ass how they do a Steppenwolf cover of "Born to be Wild"
Wednesday 26 January 2011 - 12:08:01
Time to revive this topic.

Please post the album you're listening to. Has to be Death Metal, no Deathcore, there's a section for this genre. If you don't know the difference I'll make sure you will

Try to bring up some interest, short description or if you can't write some youtube link.


Denial (MEX) - Catacombs of the Grotesque

OSDM from Mexico. Freaking Killer and a singer who can't deny Demilich's influence.

Check them out:

Wednesday 26 January 2011 - 13:39:08

Obituary - Cause of Death

Second album from the Floridian legends. Some people don't like The Almost Doom-like songs of Obituary but you can't pretend to be any deathster if you've never listened to Obituary's first two records. These guys helped shape Death Metal.