General Discussions / Chit-Chat >> A NAME FOR A NEW DEATH / BLACK BAND
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Friday 01 May 2015 - 08:46:49

Help my friends finding a name for their band ...DEATH /BLACK The End , after there deliveration i write was the winner name and the person who give the idea...

Saturday 02 May 2015 - 23:31:28

Hm, what are their songs about? What are their lyrics like?

What about... Crown Of Thorns, Ouroboros, Thoth, Ancient Ones... I like band names that allude to mythology and folk lore

Sunday 03 May 2015 - 00:59:40

Hi there , their lyrics talking about general things, but the most important thing is the Philosopy , is all i know, thanks for your concern about this, cheers

Sunday 03 May 2015 - 18:18:20

Philosophy? That's kind of broad. What kind of philosophy? Why not name their band after a philosopher or a philosophic concept? Something like Thales or Zeno of Citium? Lots of philosophers have cool sounding names

You should also tell your band that I do album artwork. I've done work for several bands of black Metal and death Metal bands. My website is here: And my email is [email protected]. If they Ever want someone to do album art or design for them, let me know!

Monday 04 May 2015 - 22:31:55

Hi there, i don't no of kind of
philosophy they talking about,i curious like you, my friends dont' tell details or anykind of shit. I don't be part of the band, i so a simple friend, i just have this idea... But thanks any way, for your time and the contact,i check your site, it s great...
Cheers friend

Tuesday 05 May 2015 - 05:36:06

Oh, I see. Well, it'd be really cool if you passed my suggested names along to them and they liked one of them No problem! I Wish them luck as a band!