Rainfall (ITA) (en)

Atypical band, Rainfall comes to us from the beautiful city of Rome. They released their first album entirely self-produced, "Fading Frames". It’s illustrated as a relatively good start. Melodic and fresh.

interview Rainfall (ITA)Hi Rainfall,
First, could you please present your band and your actual line up?

Hi, we’re Rainfall, a melodic metal band with various influences from Rome and our actual line-up is composed of Francesca Messali (lead vocals), Emanuela Marino (guitar and backing vocals), Giorgio Mannucci (keyboard), Veronica Roselli (bass) and Paolo Benedetti (drums and percussions).

It may be uncommon to find mixed bands as you with more women than men. What do you think about that?
Yes, it’s true, it’s not so common for a metal band to have more than one/two women in line-up, but it’s not a question of gender for us. What's important to us is to make music, we don’t care about the fact that there are three women “against” two men in the band. We’re five friends, five creative minds that work together in tune to compose songs that reflects our way to be musicians and to think music. We respect each other as persons and musicians. That's all that matters.

You realise your first album. What are your feelings on this album? What did you tried to express?
We’re so happy and satisfied, we worked very hard to realize this album. As you know, “Fading Frames” is an autoproduced work, so we had to care about every aspect of it, from the recording sessions to the mastering, the artwork and the printing of the cds. It was recorded in Tivoli, at the Trick Studio by Andrea Mattei and mastered at Pisi Mastering Studio in Rome while the artwork was made by Emanuela, our guitarist...so it took a while to have everything ready.

In “Fading Frames” we tried to express who we are right now musically speaking, you can find all the extremely various influences that inspired us during the last year. We are fully aware of the fact that our music can seem a bit hard to understand at first listening, that there are so many influences inside one single trac
interview Rainfall (ITA)k, but we would not be ourselves if we make more “easy to listen” songs that do not reflect our real way of being. We want to remain faithful to ourselves and don’t want to homologate to a precise genre of metal. There are people who love our music and other people that find a sort of intricacy in it, but we’re happy in both cases. Is what Rainfall are, like it or not.

What is your favorite song on the album? And why?
This is a tough question...we don’t have an answer for that ! It’s like asking a mother which son she loves most. Every song has its own history. Maybe we can mention “The Eos Temple” but just because is the most particular song of the album and it is very appreciated by the audience during our live shows.

Have you encountered any difficulties?
Well, being part of a band is a really great thing but there are some difficulties, too. As many other bands we make some sacrifices, financially speaking above all (pay the bills and rent for the rehearsal room, the recording sessions, merchandising, new instruments etc.) but even regarding our individual duties outside the music. We are students, workers and sometimes we have to sacrifice music for other commitments, so unfortunately we’re not and we can’t be musicians 24/7.

What are your influences (musical or not)?
Lots of bands and things inspire our music: from great metal bands like Opeth, Symphony X, Adagio, Katatonia, Porcupine Tree to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and other bigs from the past, even thrash metal or death metal, scandinavian music in general, blues, classical music, oriental music, spanish and folk tunes...the list could be endless. We are inspired by books and films, poetry aswell...even videogames. We do not reject anything, we try to take something from everything we like.

Italy is it conducive to the emergen
interview Rainfall (ITA)ce of metal bands?
The music situation is not so good here in Italy, especially for metal music and emergent bands in general: metal is not very appreciated by the big italian discography, even if there are many, many people keen on this genre of music. There are lots of metal bands here in Italy and many of them are great acts, but unfortunately they’re not considered as they should. 

Have you or would you have others projects?
We don’t have anything scheduled, right now. The album was released last week so now all we want to do is promote it, in every way we can. We’re working on the arrangement of a release party for the album here in Rome and at the same time we’re composing new songs. We’re working on a surprise for our supporters too, consisting on a remix of two tracks from the album, remixes to be released soon in form of an EP.

How are your concerts? Are you already shown outside of your country?
No, we haven’t played outside Italy yet but we’d really like to bring our music outside our fatherland. We know that people can listen to our music from every side of the planet thanks to internet, but having the possibility to play it live in another country it’s different and we really hope to do so, one day. We’ve played many shows here in Rome and surroundings from 2009 to present but we haven’t had the possibility to play in other italian cities yet. Hopefully we’ll do it during the next year.

If you take away with only one album for all your life, which you would choose each?
Although we've got many favourite albums, we would choose “Mother Madness” from Winter of Life, “Frames” from DGM, “Fede Potere Vendetta” from Rosae Crucis, “Mare Nostrum” from Stormlord and “Materia” from Novembre.

Thank you and good luck.
Thank you!
Interview done by AlonewithL

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