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Biografie : Moonblood

Moonblood was formed by Occulta Mors (Schneeberg, Sachsen) in 1993.
But later Black Soul joined the band and he changed later he's name to Gaamalzagoth.

Two self released Demoniac demos were released in 1994. First demo was 8 tracks -demo and second demo contains three songs, but no tracklisting.

Then they changed name to Moonblood (demoniac name was already taken).

in 1994 Moonblood recorded four rehearsal tapes. 1995 they continued to making rehearsal tapes and recorded five demos more. (including "The Winter Falls over the Land" limited to 333 copies.)

1996 Moonblood recorded four tapes (reh 6-9) and split with Nema.

1997 Sombre records released Moonblood's first full length called "Blut und Krieg". (limited 666 tape, and 333 vinyl) Also reh 10 and 11 were recorded.

1998-1999 Moonblood recorded "reh 12" and split with Asakku, Inferno (Cze) and Evil (Bra).

In 2000 Moonblood's second and last full length named "Taste our German Steel" 12 "EP came out. After that Moonblood splitted up. After splitup two
splits were released and also tape "Dusk Woerot"

There can exist more than 12 rehearsals, but some are unreleased or limited to a few copies.

Source : Myspace