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Biografie : Conrad

August 5th 2009 E.V.
Conrad was summoned in the Eastern Grasslands of St. Philip by 17 yr old Kadeem Ward (Veldt Soldaat/Emdeka). The project rebels against that which is “accepted” in the Anti-Metal community of Barbados. With the goal to preserve and teach historical tales and ancestral myths, Conrad fuses the elements of Afro-Caribbean rhythms & sounds with epic orchestral ambience and highly distorted riffs influenced by the groundbreaking bands of the early Norwegian Black Metal scene.

The project’s themes are highly focused on Barbadian folklore which either tells dark or mesmerizing tales about the island’s early inhabitants, nature, paranormal events and various mythical creatures (Conrad is said to be an irritable ghost who possessed women and live in their stomachs).

Other lyrical themes reflect on early African Tribes, Orishas and pirates of the Caribbean.

Session Members:
Hailing from the Republic of Nicaragua, Fornost is well acknowledged by fans of the Central American Underground Metal scene, as well as fans of Raw Depressive Suicidal Black Metal. He performs vocals for Angest, Manic Disorder and now Conrad.

Lord Ifrit.
The mastermind behind the Jamaican Black Metal project Orisha Shakpana is now aboard as well.

Both members joined on the 17th of August 2010 and will be appearing on a few tracks & releases in the future.

Conrad currently in the process of writing new songs for another demo called: "-Conrad Within-". Unlike the recent fantasy based “Oseean Kroneik”, this future release will be far more darker abnd eerie; in terms of the musical, lyrical and visual aspects entailed.

It will also include the first original Conrad track that was written in the “Tohara” Era.

Follow Conrad into the hypnotic fields of empathy and the profound void of Afro-Pandemonium. Behold, the dawn of Bajan Folk Metal.

Source : www.myspace.com/conradbb