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传记 : Mindrer

In the early ninetys two spiritual Individuals met in their chosen place of reincarnation - Biefang (cold,waste and lonely). After trusting each others worthiness the idea of achieving common aims in art came to mind, which resulted in a sort of Escapism called: Lunar Obsessed BIEFANGIAN BLACK METAL!!! At first several, countless, sessions under the banner "Fullmoon"(not to be confused with the polish band which founded around that time, too) were caught on tape in winter 1995 to never see the light of day because of pride and refusal. With this amount of incognitotapes in stock we were satisfied for the moment and handed them only to close friends. Like that nearly a decade passed without a deathsign of the two-piece desolate and totally unknown "secretband" Fullmoon. This state lastet until 2005 when the invocation of black narcotic spheres was interrupted to publish a longplayer under the follow up name "MINDRER". This title can be found in the chant of Alwiss, in the book of Edda where it is the name of the moon in the tongue of the Aesir. In the end of 2006 the rehearsals of 17 songs were done and the recordings started in the Biefangian Beyondnecrodarkness Studio. Towards the end of the intrumental-recordings eleven songs of the material were considered for the longplayer and the rest was saved up for further recordings. In the Beginning of 2008 the vocal-recordings emerged in the CS-Soundrecording studio and are now finished. Remain silent for: MINDRER - "Lunar Obsessed" limited to 500 black polycarbonate copys only!!! Releasedate: definately mid of October 2008! To the true beholders of Biefangian Beyondnecrodarkness!!! Return to the inner, thy void!!! Support the Moonshadetransmissions or die in ignorance, as we will do the same to you. -Schwarzschrat

Source : http://www.myspace.com/mindrer