Hekaton - the Return to the Primordial Chaos

Liste der Bands Death Metal Sacred Sin Hekaton - the Return to the Primordial Chaos
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Band Name Sacred Sin
Album Name Hekaton - the Return to the Primordial Chaos
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2005
Musik GenreDeath Metal
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen6


1. Hekaton - the Return to the Primordial Chaos
2. Asparas (Temptation of the Abyssic Nymphs)
3. The Avatars of Vishnu
4. Hermetic Arkanum - the Eucharist of the Dead
5. Nefelheim, Abode of Mist
6. Hephaistus - Blast for Satan
7. Hyperborean Odes
8. Pure Land
9. Sin with the Daughters of Man
10. Carnage Forsaken (New Version)
11. Spiritual Healing (Death Cover)
12. Day of Suffering (Morbid Angel Cover)

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Sacred Sin