Black Metal is an Extreme subgenre of heavy metal. It is typically Abrasive and often uses fast tempos, high-pitched electric guitars played with tremolo picking, high-pitched shrieking vocals, and unconventional song structures. It is prone to experimentation and certain elements typical to Black Metal are not always used by every band within the genre.
In the early-mid 1980s, a few Thrash Metal bands formed the Prototype for black metal. They are often referred to as the First Wave, and consist of bands such as Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer and Celtic Frost.[1] In the early 1990s, a Second Wave emerged, primarily of Norwegian bands like Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone and Emperor. Although there is no well-defined Third Wave, modern Black Metal bands have incorporated new musical and lyrical trends into their music.
Black metal has been met with considerable hostility from mainstream culture, mainly because of the Misanthropic and Anti-Christian attitude of many bands. This iconoclastic ideology is typical of Black Metal bands. Additionally, a few Black Metal bands have been associated with church burnings, murder and/or National Socialism. Black Metal is generally seen as an underground form of music, in part because it does not appeal to mainstream tastes and because its musicians often choose to remain obscure.
Black Metal

Old Star



Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Gorgoroth (NOR)

Under the Sign of Hell
Gorgoroth (NOR)

Gorgoroth (NOR)

Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Gorgoroth (NOR)
Twilight of the Idols (in Conspiracy with Satan)
Gorgoroth (NOR)

Era of Threnody

Carelian Satanist Madness
Satanic Warmaster

Totale Vernichtung

Instinctus Bestialis
Gorgoroth (NOR)

Clawing into Black Sun

Precaria Ex Humanitas

Grey Demo
While Sad Spirits Around Me Stroll