Some may say I'm overrating this album. Actually, some may think this band is overrated. It's greatly debatable. Anyhow
Ur Jordens Djup is a masterpiece. Vreth is a good vocalist.
Finntroll has not lost anything when it comes to style. Most times, when a band loses a vocalist (IN FLAMES). They start sucking (IN FLAMES).
Ur Jordens Djup is an album that you can listen to over and over again. It never gets boring for me. The intro to this album is just spectacular. It's very serious as well. Synth is mainly used in the intro and some other instruments as well. It's one of the more tolerable intro's I've heard. "Gryning" flows nicely right on to "Sang". Which in my opinion is one of the greatest songs on here besides «En M�ktig H�r»? Sang starts with bass I think and drums. It doesn't fit with the rest of the album but it still is a song with much potential. "En M�ktig H�r" is the masterpiece on this album. Usually polka metal sounds Finnish, yeah? Well, I think this was a mix in between the America's Bahama's and Finland. It is a really trollish song while still being very heavy. It could not have been made any better. "Korpens
Saga" is much different from "Sang" and "En M�ktig H�r". It still kept a little to the
Finntroll formula. There is alot of say for this album, but to sum it all up, It's a
Finntroll fan album. I'm pretty sure if you are just now getting into
Finntroll, you should try "Nattfodd" first. It's more trollish then
Ur Jordens Djup.
In all, I think they did a damn good job with this album. The flaws are easily over passed and if you are an avid
Finntroll fan, you should like this album just fine. I would get a copy soon. It's a good album and I give it many kudos. Mostly because after everything
Finntroll has been through. They have still kept it together and strong.