Unsun : Fin d'UnSun

Dimanche 07 Fevrier 2016 - 18:32:22 par Hacktivist

Après une longue période de Silence (la dernière annonce datant du début de l'année 2014), le groupe Unsun fait savoir sur sa page Facebook qu'étant donné les problèmes de santé chroniques de sa chanteuse, Anna "Aya" Stefanowicz a décidé de quitter la formation pour laquelle elle performait depuis maintenant 10 ans. Il est question d'une maladie qui affecte le système nerveux et l'empêche de retrouver ses capacités vocales, de marcher et de se déplacer sans ressentir une douleur. Une opération ou une chirurgie est actuellement en prévision mais toujours est-il que l'avenir des Polonais reste très incertain même s'il ne fait aucun doute que l'aventure s'arrêtera brutalement ici avec une discographie comprenant deux beaux albums ("The End of Life" en 2008 & "Clinic for Dolls" en 2010). A l'heure actuelle, une chose est sûre, son frère Maurycy Stefanowicz, le guitariste et auteur de la bande s'apprête à faire son retour avec un nouveau projet et de nouvelles compositions à découvrir très prochainement. Voici le Message d'Aya :




Dear Friends.

For some of you these past 2 years were very long or for some as for me, time flies fast,and these past years were like a few, short but very Intense moments.

I don't like,and if I had to chose ,I prefer not to tell about things so personal as health matters but I feel obliged to explain for these who has/had a love for our music.I love you too.

I've waited quite a long time with this post because I still had a Hope that everything will settle,today I'm not that sure.Since my last post things got worse and more diffcult.Yesterday,when I was coming back from the physiotherapy,I realized that it's over and I should move on(because for the past 2 years there was no a single day I wasn't thinking about singing).

I was so focused on that goal and only on that that I didn't see how fast last few years have passed.And that time HAS been LOST in sense of my creativity because I 've been blinded by my Obsession of coming back to singing...so I didn't do different things which are/were probably more in my range now and then.

The illnes I have is affecting my nervous system and there are a lot of bad things happening to my body at the moment.So now I am just Dreaming about being able to walk and move and do things without Pain,so Forgive Me for not Dreaming about singing..

I am currently waiting for the desicion about my possible further treatment and one of the option is Surgery in the neck/spine Area and I Hope that,the succesfull Surgery would resolve at least half of my problems.

It was really hard to admit it but this will also free me somehow,hopefully.

Now from the other hand.

I really enjoyed my time spent with Unsun.It's been crazy,great,gave me some feeling of fulfillment and I gave it everything from myself.It's been hard most of the time also becasue it's not easy to work with your second half of apple(Mauser;))heh.I am sure some of you will agree ;))

Over a few years we created some beautifull music full of different kind of feelings.These songs are living its own live now and will remain forever.I don't regret anything from that time and I feel I gave for the music world something uniqe and good...I can tell reading your comments;)But you can be sure I gave 100% of my heart.....(and money;)))

Therefore.We decided to quit the band.

Maurycy is still continuing with his writing and music making.He is currently working on his new project/band...And you will probably see/hear from him somewhere in the near future.

Thank you for all your support.

Please do not stop listening our music.

With lots of love

Yours Aya



Source : https://www.facebook.com/unsun/?fref=ts


greg52 - 07 Fevrier 2016 à 20:39:47

Vraiment dommage. Les deux albums du groupes étaient en effet excellent. Encore plus dommage de ne jamais les avoir vu en concert.
Within_Hysteria - 07 Fevrier 2016 à 23:19:23

Ce Silence prolongé m'inquiétait un peu, à raison.
Quel que soit l'avenir du groupe, on ne peut que souhaiter la guérison d'Anna "Aya" Stefanowicz.
Quel dommage pour ce groupe si prometteur.
MacedonianKing - 08 Fevrier 2016 à 13:00:27

Effectivement, c'est dommage, c'était un bon groupe. J'écoute toujours régulièrement leur album Clinic for dolls avec plaisir. Malheureusement, il n'y aura pas de suite
Anath - 09 Fevrier 2016 à 17:07:21

Fait chiiiiiiier j'avais adoré Clinic for dolls ...... des années d'espoir viennent de s'envoler xD
Atmosfear - 10 Fevrier 2016 à 19:35:12

Triste nouvelle que celle-ci...j'avais bien apprécié ces deux albums et tout spécialement le chant d'Aya...

A Message FOR AYA:

Dzien Dobry
Thanks Aya for sharing this painful news with us. As many people or Hardcore fans here I enjoyed a lot your Two records and your freshness & vitality in singing, it's a blessing, and let's make a Wish that it's not over, and Hope that It Will Come back after the Surgery & re-education of the vocal chords, training, etc...I mean enough to let you sing again and who knows maybe to come back into the music scene soon, even in solo. Take your time to be better & please let us know what's going on.

Dziekuje for all the joy you gave us with your singing

All the best & a lot of courage

Greg (from Paris, France)

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