Versailles : Death of the band member

Środa 12 Sierpień 2009 - 22:56:22 by rentrerensoifan2008

Sunday August 9th, 2009, sometime Early Morning In Japan, it was reported by Versailles staff and members, that Jasmine You, bass guitarist for the Visual Kei Group Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- passed away that morning.

A Quote from a Very Reliable Source.

「Versailles」 Urgent Announcement

Though Jasmine
You had taken time off in order to rest because of poor physical
condition, we received a report that early in the Morning on August
9th, he died. Because of the Extreme abruptness of this news, the
members and staff are all dumbfounded and trying hard to accept this it.

As soon as his family has been notified and updated as to the details
and we receive their permission, we will further report to all of the

Moreover, with the current announcement, in regards to activity, please allow us to postpone it.'

Link To The News Of Jasmine's Death:


micuko - 17 Sierpień 2009 à 22:33:46
Oh My God. This is so sad. I'm in shock. I'm not a very big fan but I like them, and this is just... I can't say anything, just... oh. 0  Well... rest in peace. (I feel like crying)
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