Sacred Oath : Reveals new album cover art and its release date

Donnerstag 04 April 2013 - 21:16:43 by Pirosaint

A brand new full-length album from Sacred Oath is scheduled for worldwide release on May 28th of this year. “Fallen” is the 6th studio album from the Power Metal quartet currently celebrating 25 years in the business.

Produced by lead singer/guitarist Rob Thorne at his studio in Connecticut, all 10 songs were recorded with the original 1988 line-up, including Pete Altieri (bass), Kenny Evans (drums), and Glen Cruciani (guitar). “The four of us haven’t recorded anything together since “Darkness Visible” for a variety of reasons,” says Thorne, who has produced Six of the band’s more recent albums. “I threw the idea out there of doing an EP together to celebrate our 25th anniversary, and everyone jumped on board. It quickly escalate! d into a monstrous LP. It’s very exciting.”

There are Ten songs on “Fallen” with writing contributions from all four members, including:

King Of Your World
Death Knell
Lurking Fear
Misery Loves Company
Get Your Wings
The Way of All Flesh
Dream Death
Snake Eyes

not necessarily in that order.

The band chose to bring back artist Jason Beam for this release, whose artwork also appears on “Darkness Visible” (2007), “Till Death Do Us Part” (2008), and most recently “Spells and Incantations” (2012).

“Fallen” will be released by Angel Thorne Music and distributed by MVD Entertainment.

More information at

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