Motograter frontman start new band Goatsilk

Sobota 18 Maj 2013 - 20:49:59 by RisingPhenixEnt

Goatsilk is created by vocalist Jhode of the Power house band Motograter and Denver Co. very own Solem Empire. After the lack of productivity of Motograter Jhode decided to from a new band based back in his Home town of Pueblo Co. Bringing back his roots of the music he once created growing up. Jhode decided to bring on fellow musicians Miah on bass guitar and Danny on drums. Goatsilk is a force to be reckoned with as they come out hitting hard in 2013 with there first Ep later on in the year followed by Goatsilk hitting the Road. Goatsilk is Metal at its finest that blends in a wide range of style's from Hardcore to Nu-Metal. Make sure to keep your ears open for Goatsilk in 2013.

Source : Facebook


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