Krudo : release new lyric video

Четверг 19 Сентябрь 2013 - 20:32:05 by Pirosaint

Chilean band KRUDO have released the new lyric video for the track 'Desierto' that comes off their latest studio album 'Demencial' released in North America via Digmetalworld Records. The video was created by Matías Tapia M. of 'People Of The Moon'.

Watch the video below:

The track list of 'Demencial' is the following:

1. Hacia La Demencia
2. Biotipo Criminal
3. Cuando La Mente Se Ciega
4. Asesino
5. Desierto
6. Dueños Del Orden
7. CARNE Muerta
8. En Mi Agonia
9. Almas Carniceras
10. Progenitor

Krudo is:
Cristian Arriola: vocals
Giordano Moglia: guitars
Mario Ruíz: guitars
Lucio Pérez: bass
Roberto Zúñiga: drums

You can Stream the album entirely at this location, for more information about the band, visit its Official Facebook page.

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