Dissection :

Thursday 24 August 2006 - 22:35:26 by Metzly

Le promoter américain de Dissection Jim Mills a posté une interview
avec Jon Nodveidt encore jamais diffusée sur son blog Myspace.

Mills: "J'ai posté cette interview qui date de début 2005
pour tous les fans de Dissection. Je suis choqué que Jon ait décidé de
quitté ce monde si brutalement, c'est vraiment dommage. Jon a toujours
été honète et a vecu à fond chaque choses qu'il a faite. La dernière
fois que nous avons parlé  il venait d'apprendre qu'il n'y aura
aucun moyen pour lui d'obtenir un visa (en vue des concerts prevus à
Los Angeles) nous avons donc dut annuler tous les concerts sur le
territoire américain. et à la fin de la conversation je l'ai remercié
et lui ai dit que j'espèrais qu'il jouerait encore des morceaux de
Dissection sur scène, c'était la seule fois où j'ai commencé à me
comporter comme un "fan" et perdre mon professionalisme.

Je ne peux faire aucune spéculation sur les raisons qui ont poussé Jon
a faire ça. Tout ce que je sais c'est que Dissection ne sera jamais
remplacé et aucun groupe ne peut se comparer a celui-ci. Jon manquera à
sa famille, à ses amis, à ses fans ainsi qu'à moi-même.




MISSING DISSECTION & AT THE Gates.  Do you think the timing of your resurgence is appropriately timed?

Not a day too early, yet not a day too late.


regards to bands like Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth and the like, would
you say the main attraction is their imagery, which some would say is
almost the new glam-rock or the musical aspects?

The image.


that you are older, been in prison, and had a lot of time to look at
your life, how or what did you decide to change with your life, and any
changes with DISSECTION?

Death as my advisor in life. Every day is my last.


Here in America mainstream media is being responsive to heavier (and I say that very loosely) music.  Major labels are signing bands left and right, what is your take on this? Would you want  DISSECTION to be a part of this trend?

Mainstream or underground, we use the tools at our disposal.


What do you think you have missed out during the down time of Dissection?

Nothing that I cant do today.


came to an abrupt stop, right when the Swedish scene was gaining more
and more exposure due to the ground work that Dissection & At The
Gates laid down. At that point when Dissection was on hold, what were
your thoughts in regards to the future of Dissection, and yourself?

To rise from the ashes.


Has being in prison affected the music for the new material in any way?

Inevitably yes.


How difficult was it for you to keep your focus while being in prison? And how did you?

The time in prison was an opportunity in itself to focus. I walk this sinister path in its full length.


are many different interpatations of what Satanism is. Some people use
the Christian idea, and some use a more toned down self indulgent idea.  What is your personal idea and take on being a Satanist?

To lead things to its end. And to create new beginnings.

What things do you lead to its end? And what would constitute a new beginning in your life?



Would you consider yourself religious?

A follower of the inner self. A devotee of the Dark Gods.


your being a devotee of the dark gods apply to all religions that
possess a dark or evil deities? The new single is about a Hindu
Goddess, I am assuming that is a part of the whole encompassed Dark

devotee of the Dark Gods, meaning a devotee of the spiritual essence
behind the dark side of all religious and mythological traditions. Maha
Kali is the terrifying aspect of the dark mother goddess in Hindu
religion/myth. Her name translating The Great Black, she who devours
all, she is the wrathful one who devours the entire cosmic creation in
the time of the complete dissolution, Kali yuga, the ending times. The
dark mother is the womb and the tomb.


Bands that once opened for you before, are now headlining tours everywhere and selling overly well.

 At this point where do you see DISSECTION in the metal scene? 

Here. A nexion to the shining abyss.


Where do you want to take Dissection now?  What things that you did not have the chance to do before, would you like to do now?

All I want is everything and nothing.


has always been controversial in the public eye, always being linked to
negative connotations. Some fans take music too serious and literally,
what is your take on bands that get blamed for people killing and
acting like fools, using bands like Slayer, Judas Priest, as the root
of their decisions?

someone using Metal bands as the root of their decisions is probably
not a bigger fool than someone using herd-mentality, television,
society or the church. So go ahead, just follow the lyrics if thats how
you feel. Personally, Im on the Highway to Hell!


from a country that is neutral and does not have a lot of enemies, what
is your take on the political and religious clashes across the planet?

As meaningless as cosmic existence in itself. Confusion and illusion is this worlds lot, until the end.


you eventually die, what do you see happening? Do you believe humans
have souls, or spirits, or only memories for people that still maintain
memories of us?

believe in the breaking of the cosmic cycle. I believe in the formless
eternity beyond, in which those who carry the formless spirit will live
on forever.


What makes Jon happy in life?

The end.


It seems like everyone is fighting for one cause or another, whether it be stopping abortion, helping 3rd
world countries, or religious dominance, but it seems like an
effortless battle. What do you think of this endless cycle of people
fighting for something that will never change.

A seemingly endless cycle of humans is in itself another reason to fight.


At this point in your career and life, what are your priorities and most important factors?

Walking the left hand path.


What religion, if you were to choose only 1, as the most beneficial to humans.

The benefits of humans are not my specialty.


And lastly, who is heavier In Flames or Abba?

 Whos listening to these bands today? Ha ha


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