Ass To Mouth : HeavyBlogIsHeavy leaks track From Polish Grindcore Sickos

Sobota 08 Luty 2014 - 10:28:25 by Hellsheimer

As their raging Degenerate full-length is less than Two weeks from dropping upon the public, Wroclaw, Poland's maniacs, Ass To Mouth, Pump out another dose of alcohol-infused XXX grindcore. The high-speed, binge-drinking begins abruptly with album opener, "44&41," mass-killing your brain cells with a full-on Leaving Las Vegas-inspired one way all-you-can-consume booze-cruise to the morgue. I guess the 'bangers over at HeavyBlogIsHeavy have had a Brutal week and are ready to crack a few Cold ones since they jumped at the chance to buy you a round with the streaming of the track.
Get bombed to "44&41" at HeavyBlogIsHeavy now AT THIS LOCATION.
And while you're cleaning yourself up afterwards, unload "Sentenced To Grind" at No Clean Singing HERE.
Degenerate, set for North American release on February 18th, 2014, is the first Ass To Mouth material to feature new vocalist Kuba, formerly of other Volatile grind acts Selfhate and Toxic Bonkers. With Kuba's rabid vocals rabidly disbursed atop the buzzsaw riffage of bassist Jarek and guitarist Maciek and the Relentless blastbeatings of percussive demolition expert Pablo, the outfit unloads twenty tracks in barely thirty minutes, the entire half-hour surging with jagged, thrash/punk-fueled Grindcore ferocity, recorded, mixed and mastered at Hellsound/Soundscope Studio in Wroc?aw.

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