Nefesh (ITA) : Nefesh

Death Metal / Italie
(2006 - Auto-Production)
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I repent and I regret
Of my sins
Because sinning
I offended You

Infinitely good
Worthy loving
More than anything else
More than anyone else

I must make an agreement with You
I will open my mind at your love
You will came to live inside me
And You will never leave me

Abbà! Abbà!
Forgive my self-importance
Forgive my pride
I recognizeYou as only father

Abbà! Abbà!
My sight is dim
And I didn't see You any more
In my heart, in my life

My strength failed me
I couldn't fight
I couldn't win
I was far from You

Fountain of strength
Fountain of power
Fountain of life
I couldn't drink your blood

I couldn't drink your blood
I couldn't eat your body
I couldn't drink your love
I couldn't eat your love

Rex mundi
Rex animae

Give me a pure heart
Capable to love

Give me a pure heart
Able to feel your love

Make me pure
Make me clear

Forgive me

Parcis me


Iouthà, Iouthà Iouthà, Iouthà
Judas, Judas Judas, Judas
My obsession you didn't believe
My fear

Iouthà, Iouthà Iouthà, Iouthà
Judas, Judas Judas, Judas
You betroyed him you didn't believe
You sold life out

He loved you
He wanted you
He loved you
He wanted save you

He loved you
You didn't

Now you are there
And watch what you have done
You look at him while he dies
And your heart breaks out / blows up
And your soul shouts out

“don't look at me like this
don't look at me like this
I cannot stand at it
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
It's your own fault
Don't look at me”

Iouthà ask for forgiveness
Judas beg for God's forgiveness
Asks for forgiveness
With all your heart
God will forgive you


The wind
Lets your hair play
Which raises up dancing
Leaving the sight free

I slowly listen to your prayers
I see a shadow haunting you
Haunting me
I see your fear wrapping around me

Lone high in the shadows
Lone flame in the black sky
A scream thounders out
And clouds cover the moon

“Crucifige! Crucifige!”
The scream of evil always louder
Increasing, inceasing
It implacable yearns for your blood

And you watch, you know, you don't speak
But i feel the pain
Dripping with blood
Which explodes with love

Each drop is life for us
But how much rage
How much evilness
You procreated so much hate

And they keep on torturing
Injuring, ripping, calling you names
Why? What you have done jeoshiua?
What have you done?

[I shed a tear]

They beat you
But you pay silence
They kill you
But you forgive them

You die for those who kill you
You die to save them
Save us
Innocent victim of our evil

Sacrified for life
Scourged, loughed at, humiliated
The Eternal
Lamb of God

Three crosses on golgotha
You in between, pierced through with nails
You look at me with the eye
And you shake my spirit

You were the son of God
You were God! The holy spirit
Now death for us
You let yourself be killed
Like a ship among the wolves

Then a tear
A warm breath
And bow your head

But who are you?
What do you want from me?
I don't understand
I want open my eyes

That sight is still calling me
That eye I always feel

Say me! Say me!
What do you want from me!?


Ascolta il rumore del tempo incurante
Si sta alzando il vento
E le nubi ora copriranno le stelle

Fermati a sentire l'odore della pioggia
S'innervosisce il mare
E la spiaggia silenziosa sta a guardare

Mare, mare vorrei annegare
Portami lontano a naufragare
Portami lontano da queste rive
Portami lontano sulle tue onde

Il pesante cielo s'incupisce silenzioso
Trappola di ghiaccio
E sembra che il sole non tornerà mai più

L'anima dovrà imparare a sentirti
Il corpo è svanito
I miei occhi non potranno più vederti

I'm calling you now
Open my heart
Free my mind
And give me real life

I'm kneeling before you
I'm crying with pain
And range
Give me real life

You were the son of life [...]
And now only a memory

A pain memory

What is the difference!?

God take my life if you want

A pain inside me

Make me believe in God

Make me it now!?

Your presence inside me

I would like to die now with you

I would like to talk to you now

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