Hexenhammer (RUS) : Judas's Shadow

Gothic Doom / Russia
(2003 - Self-Produced)
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Somewhere in the dark lane
Of your sold soul
You are standing at the crossroad
And nothing can decide

Every new day leads to nothing
Every exit is a new entry
Somewhere you'll see another life
Somewhere you'll be saved by God

Don't dream and don't hope
The pain will teach you how to live
Don't try to walk in others' shoes
If you could be yourself

Somewhere you will meet your doom
Somewhere the pain will kill you
But in the end you will see
Where every way leads...


Gloom's covered our souls
Provoking hate in our hearts
Fog's absorbing and choking
I see death in your eyes.
The star will lighten our paths
With the foggy obscurity
It's so hard, weird, curiously
To walk your rotten way

Now it's time to measure abyss
When we're both standing on the edge
And you've lost there all your pride
And I have left there all mine
And we both have now only one way
Down from the precipice to the dark
Don't fear, we won't have to wait for a long time
It's all over, the world's done for

The wind has muddled your hair
And storm has blurred the sky
There's no way back, everything is cursed
You're forever dead for me now.

We'll leave this world together
Here's no hope, but fear
No one will help us
Everything will melt, the ashes will flown

I'll see her black coat beyond
And the glitter of spike of the sward
The wag of hand, everything's dissected
And this world is turning into Hell

Now you see the moon's resurrection
When we've left this cold world
All our lives we've been dying together
And now we are in one tomb.


Cursed is one reading the words of the prophecy
And observing written here, 'cause the time is close…

Like arrows, cries are thrusting the air
No one wants to die
It's the time has come
Which books were trying to describe.
And there are faces everywhere
The eyes are full with torment
All are like impounded animals
Waiting for Satan to come

And space has filled with darkness
And cries and screams are everywhere
People see nothing in front of their eyes
And don't hear the bells ringing
Just obscurity servants are safe
And they have all the power on earth
God's son doesn't rule the world
The power's going to Satan

And I saw the thrones and those, sitting on them.
And I saw the dead, small and large, those who
haven't adored neither the Beast, nor its reflection and
haven't taken its inscribing neither to their foreheads
nor hands.
And the dead were judged with written
in the books.

We shall all die....


I'm cut into pieces with just one word
I'm crucified on the cross of yesterdays roses
There are so many things worth living for
There are so many things death will take for

I wish to fly away with grey roofs from this life
The dark sky is getting closer and closer
These high walls will crush you out

Oblique rain, the wall of fire…

It's the way of doom, the mind is broken
It's you who lead yourself to this torture
Entering you, it will swallow your mind
There's only one way out - the jumping down


The wind nearly moves the grasses
There's a full moon in the sky
A helm lies in the high grass
The grass is gory nearby.
Honest Herman, son of hero
Accepted here an unequal fight
His way was long and dangerous
And he won't come back home.

We went the same way
Through all messes and torments
There won't be happiness on Earth
We'll meet only in Valhalla.
Every day at sunrise
I came here to the grave
I rise my hands to the sky
Crying, "Gods, I hate you all!"

The wind nearly moves the grasses
There's a full moon in the sky
A helm lies in the high grass
The grass is gory nearby.
Honest Herman, son of hero
Accepted here an unequal fight
His way was long and dangerous
And he won't come back home.

Every day at sunrise
I came here to the grave
I rise my hands to the sky
Crying, "Gods, I hate you all!"

The wind nearly moves grasses
There's a full moon in the sky
There are two graves near
Thereon she died...




Can you see the chasm
Of grief and torment in my eyes?
Constant fear rules the world
Every one will die, I'm the chosen.
I'm all alone among the people
They are all blind, just few of them
Will know the death's secret
About the forthcoming end

As a prophet I'm misunderstood
People don't want to know the truth
An irate roar of the mad crowd,
Torches are burning in their hands.
Let me go under in fire,
But you all will burn in hell
Your end is so close
You'll give your souls to death.

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