Frank's Enemy : Enraged

Death Grind / USA
(2002 - Not Silent)
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There's going to be no more boredom I'm going to cut my hair
After the men, women and children falling through the air
The monsters have landed on Maple Street
The lynch mobs marching off to their defeat
If I was young I would sign up for a gun
And as it is I might just go out and buy one
Now I can understand I could just kill a man
After sending in bombs to flatten his land

We never knew a life of faith never toughed it out
Now we're going to find out what's it's all about
Looking everywhere in the water in the air
The next shot is coming but from where?
You hold a gun at my kid's head and what am I to do?
Could I wear a peace sign and to myself be true?
Oh, let the Mount of Olives tear and Wormwood poison from the air
Don't mind me don't give me a care

I'm just enraged

"Allah" is crying as He looks down upon it all
The bridges between us will be the first to fall
Should the government have not stuck our nose everywhere?
Yes I think so but it's too late to go elsewhere
Now we're committed blood flowing on our soil
Now we've been dragged back in like Michael Corleone
And I ask the peace movement where did you go?
When Clinton sent bombers into Kosovo

For all the terrorizing I'm not too terrified
I mourn for the loss of innocent lives
I should have mourned before, our bombers filled their skies
When it was none of our business when they were out of our lives
But the lives of the guilty are there to be taken
Striking precisely with an aim unshaken
Let the computers point let the satellites fly
Let technology shield the homeland sky

I'm so enraged

Terror is but a weapon wielded by ideologues
Who have said it's either them or us
Don't want to fight a religion but some want to fight us
The future of freedom is starting to look tough
An enemy could be rid by becoming a friend
The lives that have suffered could be won in the end
For the thirst for freedom will never be slaked
The blood and darkness might give rise to a new day


Los otros latinos tienen a Ricky y Carlos Santana
Pero nosotros un italiano llamado Cara Cortada
No hay raza ni orgullo no jugamos ese juegito
Tumbamos al mundo en los ochentas con el perico
Lo merecemos por echarnos arriba al del tabacon
Es la mejor idea aunque sea ficcion
Uno compra y uno sabe lo que de verdad es suyo
Tony Montana no me da orgullo

Vivimos en un continente que parece una isla
Apollamos sus ideales a veces pagado con ira
No tengas ilusiones yo no soy rehen
La guerra que existe es mia tambien
Yo solamente soy uno que busca libertad
No me importa de donde pero nadie la quiere dar
Prefieren robar a trabajar para lo que es suyo
Tony Montana no me da orgullo

Tony Montana que jarana tragate la banana
Que tiraron americanos que vinieron de Lantana
Armaremos nuestras balsas en el rio Potomac
Echando discos de Buena Vista Social Club
Hermanos al rescate perdiendo cuarenta anos
A correr, bayameses, al ajeno extrano
Por los hijos mios y los hijos tuyos
Tony Montana no me da orgullo


We go about our business
Statistics on our side
We wear our flags
Filled with national pride
Babies in their cribs
Envy of the world
Jet plane circling above
It's passed I am sure
Magazines in the mail
And nothing else
Saw a film at the mall
Still doing well
At least two counties away
At least for today
My eye's peeled anyway
keeping muggers away

Everything seems so blind
New York hate of mind

Go to work
Show my card at the gate
Face on the wall
That disappeared on the date
His Spanish was perfect
So they say
Looking for the envelope
With his fake name
I'm an okay dad
I must explain
Not everything's clear
Evil often gets its way
While we ail from the sickness
We try hard to forget
Such a blessed existence
We may realize it yet

Everything seems so blind
New York hate of mind


If the plane had crashed
Into the right kind of clinic
Or island government seat
Hello cynic

If the wrong makes it right
If the black makes it white
If the might takes a bite
If the left turns it right

I think I'm sick to myself

Nine one one
Could it be in everyone?
I fear in my lies
What a thing to realize


Lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
Lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
Oh, sisters two
How may we do
For to preserve this day?
This poor youngling
Of whom we do sing
By-by, lullay, lullay
Herod the King
In his raging
Charged he hath this day
His men of might
In his own sight
All children young to slay
Then woe is me
Poor child for thee
And ever mourn and say
For thy parting
Nor say nor sing
By-by, lullay, lullay
Lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lullay
Lullay, lullay
My little tiny child
By-by, lullay, lu
By-by, lullay, lu
By-by, lullay, lu


Judas at the end of the rope
No salvation and no hope
Judas at the end of the rope
No hope

Did he wonder if it had to be
As he succumbed to his destiny
Did he wonder about what he missed
As his lips formed to kiss
Satan makes for easy stomping
Knowing how he's behind it all
But what to say about Judas
What day really saw his fall

Did thirty pieces really turn the tide
Or was betrayal always in his mind
How was he born and raised
Was his life filled with dark days
Was the serpent his companion
Or was the deal already done
Did his father break his bones
Did he steal or was he stolen from

Judas bought the death that bought us life
Fulfilled the chronicle from before time
It had to happen but it was his choice
Though the book was written he had a voice
Logic mysterious unassailable
Til the end of time concealed
Like Pharoah's heart hardened
So God's glory would be revealed


Utopian visions of a dream world
Quickly fade into dust
You finally seize the golden prize
And see it's really rust
Obstacles are overcome but followed by another test
Finally settling in the sun still get wracked by stress
Happiness brings on psychic pain
For the darkness surely follows
The sun inevitably sets for each rise on the morrow

Your reality of existence you can't escape
An absurd meaninglesness
Yet you think you reason your inner world
Can't explain why with it you're blessed
Got no way to say who's right or wrong
Takes thirty-something states to ratify constitution
Hitler pursued his destiny
With approval of public opinion
Cut away from God it is the human condition

No happy endings for the rich
See them languish and die alone
The poor die their absurd deaths
Drugs or aids or starvation
Conformed to the choice conformed to the fall
Sweet breath of Revelation taken as a tale too tall
Saving bitterest tears
For when the Truth hits their eyes
Will God also cry knowing they won't be dried?


You wake up in the morning and you call the mirror God
With eyes deep inside that show a man in love
Self-hypnotized to your transcendency within
Idiot-proofed game you play, no matter what you lose you think you win
Your soul is your sycophant and you've trained it well
Drink your sacred cup of today's lies or chemicals
From the ape you have evolved now it's in your hands
You're going to take that leap of faith, make that advance

You are God-so they've told you
Science pulled down the curtain on Oz
You are God-so they've told you
What you see is what you've got
You are God-so they've told you
So if you must you'll go out and kill
You are God-so they've told you
The bottom line is "do what you wilt"

Spent a century tearing down icons and setting up your might
Every instrument readout now says your presence is a blight
An empire of waste, a dominion of toilet seat
Try to allay the guilt by criminalizing consumption of meat
Possibility of an underlying condition never crossing your mind
Everything seemingly in your grasp controllable but time
Something inside wants to be free-flying but you can't decide what
With every crystal and pyramid that you've got

The gate to your heaven so wide even Hitler can get in
Because in your world there's no such thing as sin
Blow it in this life you can pay for it in the next
The prize nirvana or who-knows-what, not that important
I have a vision of all the paths converging on celestial heights
Every human being hand in hand walking up no bickering about who's right
Happy music fills the air harmonious voices blend to one sound
Drowning out the cries of those who reach the end and fall to the ground


In the beginning there was Darwin and Marx
Formulating theories to throw out God
Artificial reality free of absolutes
The only sin left is telling the truth
Pregnant child-mom smoking crack
Spike Lee and athletes counterattack
Noble fight against the symptoms
Of redemption lost
In the want for freedom from all cost

Man, you made a lonely world

Every human now a walking lie
In his own system of born to live and die
One eye desperate on the great beyond
With incantations to bring the magic wand
To turn the beast back into the prince
To balloon back home to Kansas
To bring back primeval memories gone
But something somewhere's been left undone


Something new on the TV
Something new to get to me
Three more sitting on the fence
With inadequate defense
Three more fell in mammon's spell
Making money out of hell
Now glory goes to ABC
For reporting the truth to you and me
Now glory goes to doomed souls
As they just say "I told you so"
A few less tears for a burned down church
Less sympathy for a suppressed Word
Three more like those before defrocked
The saints become a laughingstock
Three more reasons to say no
To Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord

Reasons to say no

Just look at all this on the TV
Suits by Cardin and Armani
Look real good with diamond rings
And velvet carpeted settings
For the rich I have no dis
If they know what to do with it
Actionless emotions are a lie
Quick way to regret when you die
TV cameras can never catch
What's behind a door safely latched
If at some point they ever do
Edit it to do what you want it to
An easily manipulated medium
To see it is to believe it
Medium and message in control
Pay your money buy your soul

If the cameras could only catch
The silent struggles of believers attacked
They're the ones we could look up to
They're the ones who do what we should do
Look up to Jesus first, no one else
Placing others before themselves
Feeding those out without a home
Keep believing when tomorrow's unknown
Unafraid to share the Word
In the everyday neighborhood world
Sometimes at night they'll cry from sin
Pray from the hole they've fallen in
Soon enough you'll see their cheer
As the Lord did not turn a deaf ear
There's some reason to say yes
To salvation through Jesus

Reasons to say yes

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