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Biographie : Life's Illness

Life's Illness started out as a onemanproject by G.M. (ex-Antinomus),
he soonly decided to ask Herr Leere (Einsamkeit mit Mihr) as a sessionguitarist,
but Herr Leere became the permanent guitarist right after they started playing together.
In summer 2007 Life's Illness recorded an EP, Entitled "Love - A Lost Vision...", as a limited edition of 200 copies,
The first 20 copies came complete with accessory razorblade.
Later on brought out their split with Cold Void (Vietnam).
Life's Illness also contributed material to the Legiao Funebre Productions compilation album 'Suicide Solution Vol. 1'.
In december '07 G.M. asked 'X.' to be sessiondrummer. Just after that,
due to some personal reasons, Herr Leere got kicked out of Life's Illness.

From now on the band's line up consists of:
G.M. - Guitar, Vocals
X. - Drums

Source : www.myspace.com/lifesillness