Help >> WTF??? Deleted label
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Friday 24 April 2015 - 21:42:55

Why label removed Т.П. Records??? Besides that replaced it on the label TM Records (and he just do not and to the release, check yourself in VK), so now and have removed the label, even though it was written in English, especially since you yourself wrote that S-O-M can not be printed Russian... I think this is not fair! In Extreme cases even be in the tag label on Unklown replaced, rather than the "TM Records", comes after a complete fallacy of those who read the pages of those releases.

Sunday 26 April 2015 - 10:58:44

If we let Т.П. Records, this label will never be listed on the database because of the cyrillic alphabet.
It MUST be changed in latin alphabet.
I replaced Т.П. Records by TM Records even if the most appropriate translation should be TP Records.