After Forever : C'est fini !

Viernes 06 Febrero 2009 - 12:27:30 by Draven

Le groupe a posté un message sur son site officiel le 5 février 2009 pour expliquer la fin des activités d'After Forever.

En gros, le groupe explique être très fier du travail accompli jusqu'ici. La pause prise par After Forever en 2008 leur a fait prendre Conscience que s'ils voulaient continuer, ils devraient continuer de se donner à 110% comme ils l'ont fait jusqu'ici. Or, ils pensent qu'aujourd'hui il leur manque quelque-chose car pendant la pause ils se sont construit une vie privée et ont chacun été expérimenter de nouvelles choses musicalement parlant.

Ils préfèrent donc partir et continuer à explorer de nouveaux horizons musicaux chacun de leur côté. Ça n'a pas été une décision facile à prendre et ils remercient les fans qui leur ont fait confiance ainsi que leur maison de disques.

Le communiqué original :

"After nearly 15 years and with heavy hearts, we have decided to call an end to a great and exciting time as After Forever. We are extremely proud of what we have accomplished, and especially of the Road we took to get here. After Forever has never been a band that repeated itself; we always tried out new things, even though many of them were certainly done at a risk. We think that that has been one of the reasons we've always enjoyed enormous support from all our loyal fans.

"The break we took in 2008 made us appreciate all the more what we'd experienced. Now more than ever, we can look back on so many fantastic moments, something we never would have expected to be part of when we started the band all those years ago. However, that break also made us aware of the fact that we can only continue After Forever with the energy, the full 110%, that we have always put into it and we've noticed lately that there is something missing. We have always been musicians who create music with lots of passion, and during the break we built up our own lives Again and have been musically active and experimenting in several genres.

"Although After Forever is very special to us, we feel that we have reached the point where we need to explore the world of music in each of our own different ways. Thus, we've decided to quit while we're ahead. We are sincerely proud of every CD; each album represents a unique period, and all comes together in our last album 'After Forever', which made all of our dreams possible. We hope After Forever will continue to be a source of inspiration for new bands and musicians alike so that our music can Live on.

"As band members, but also as friends, we've experienced so very much; highs and lows, good times and bad. We'll keep supporting each other in all of our various individual projects and continue inspiring one another in making music.

"Our MySpace page will be used for updates on all of these projects and, of course, After Forever-related news, as well.

"You can be sure that this is not an easy decision for any of us. We'd like to thank all of our fans for their support, also during the break.

"We know that this will be a big disappointment to you, dear fans, and it makes it that much harder for us. You have always given us your all and it was our pledge, in turn, always to give at least as much back to you for as long as we exist. In This Moment, that's unfortunately just not possible, so we'd rather leave you all the albums and gigs we achieved with maximum input. We'd also like to thank Nuclear Blast, TEG and MOJO for their patience and enthusiasm, the Live crew, the fan club, the fan sites and everybody who's helped in every way possible.

"We'll miss you all."

Le site officiel du groupe :


Eternalis - 06 Febrero 2009 à 20:17:36
Dure nouvelle!! After Forever était bien au dessus des groupes metal à chanteuse...l'album éponyme était simplement une tuerie!!
ghostlovescore - 06 Febrero 2009 à 21:40:38
0 triste nouvelle, imcomprehensible un groupe d'une telle qualite qui split .
souvent les meilleurs qui partent en premier
darknoise - 07 Febrero 2009 à 12:30:18
nooooooooooooon c etait mon meilleur goupe de metal symphonique
Hithrandil - 07 Febrero 2009 à 22:28:28
Bien triste nouvelle que voila
Mandy - 08 Febrero 2009 à 13:18:15
C'est triste mais je dois aouer que ça ne me choque pas tant que ça avec cette pause
DragonMaster - 24 Febrero 2009 à 21:39:18
Triste, mais c'est toujours mieux de quitter au sommet que de continuer en écrivant un album nul... je suis donc content qu'ils aient eu l'honnêteté de faire un split plutôt que de faire un album que je n'aurais p-t pas aimé.
EternalTearsOfSorrow - 01 Septiembre 2010 à 21:32:00
Plutôt After Forever qu'Epica, bien que After Forever était un très bon groupe. Triste nouvelle, tout de même...
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