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biografía : Devil's Soldiers

The Band was foundet in 1980 by Ralf Schultze and Olaf Schluenzen at Berlin/Germany. In 1980, they engaged Tommy Klett for vocals and harp and tested several bass-players and aditional keys, played for 2 years by Alex Strauch (Berlin). They play a lot of gigs at their hometown and getting soon one of the first well known Hardrock/Heavy Metal Bands in Berlin. In 1982, Oliver Korn was getting the bass job at Devil's Soldiers, an so they had 3 succesful years by performing their own music-style. In 1984 and 1985 they produced respectable Demos, and getting 1985 a finalist at the famous Berlin-Rockwettbewerb. In the same year, gitarrist O. Schluenzen was leaving the band, and they had to look for a new guitar slinger ... Thomas Hartstock got the job, and they change their style to a more popular Hardrock style like Bon Jovi by leaving their roots coming from the Irons and v.Halen. Leaving some negotiation with a music-label, they where playing a TV-show and jobs outside their hometown, f.e. in Hamburg and Poland. In the late 80ies the tensions about the right metal-style was growing, and so they split up for brushing up in new projects.