Dark Funeral : Lord Ahriman refuse toute nouvelle réédition de l'EP éponyme par Hammerheart Records

Thursday 19 December 2019 - 17:53:01 by AlonewithL

A l'annonce de la réedition par Hammerheart Records d'une version K7 et vinyle du premier EP de Dark Funeral prévue pour février 2020, Lord Ahriman s'est fendu d'un communiqué sur la page facebook de la formation contestant tout droit de la part du label, estimant que les droits du mini ont été rachetés encore du vivant de Blackmoon et revendus à Century Media (qui l'a en effet réédité sur différents supports en 2013). Le patron de Hammerheart Records, Guido Heijnens, conteste cette version et considère avoir un contrat toujours effectif signé par Blackmoon et Lord Ahriman concernant cet éponyme.


So, apparently Hammerheart Records will continue to piss on me and David

"Blackmoon" even while in his grave, by reissuing a cheap & fake version of our legendary, self-financed and self-titled debut Mini CD, even with the wrong logo. What a fucking disgrace!

To make a long story short, I feel its important to let the world know a few facts here.

This scumbag even promote this cheap re-issue by falsify history, slandering me and the band, while trying to collect some points pretending he was a good friend of David. I feel like vomiting blood! Just like me, David hated this guy & his pathetic label and did not want anything to do with them whatsoever. And I'm sure David would be spitting fire from his grave if he know what is now happening.

I have personally never approved nor signed any contract with said label, giving them no rights to re-issue this album, which originally was paid and released by David & myself back in May 1994.

This was actually one of the many things I was helping David to sort right before his death, meaning helping him get all rights back from Hammerheart to all the other releases he had made through his Hellspawn Records (Infernal, A Tribite To Bathory etc...), a label we both formed, and which I was part of until we walked separate ways back in 1996.

A week before Davids death all was good and all parties had agreed. David would get back all rights to each and every Hellspawn Record

release he had on Hammerheart, while the two of us decided to sell the rights to the Mini-CD to Century Media/Sony. That deal was even sealed & closed. However, right after, and then I mean literally only a few days after his death, this scumbag felt he did not have to honour the agreement. He said; "David is dead and cant do a shit, so I will keep it all". And ever since he have kept making cheap releases of Davids and my work, filling up his own pockets with the profits. This must come to an end NOW!

Anyway, just a few days after Davids passing, and while I was still in chock, trying to assist & support Davids family, I got this email from Guido at Hammerheart. I let it speak for itself.

"David was a horrible person…and I respect him for his arts, but I did not care anymore about him, nor will I ever again".



Lord Ahriman



(Guido Heijnens) "The rights for this recording was sold by David Blackmoon to Hammerheart Records. I worked together with David for many years. He sold his releases to Hammerheart and I paid him well to help him out of trouble. I have a contract also signed for this EP by Ahriman and he knows it. There is nothing illegal about this release at all."

Source : http://www.facebook.com/darkfuneral/photos/a.10152019701744706/10157770645104706/?type=3&theater


MakraM - 22 December 2019 à 01:00:24

Le mec se fait appeler Lord,à quoi vous vous attendiez 

Lordmike - 22 December 2019 à 08:29:31

Je vois pas de quoi tu parles ;)

kiki2000 - 01 January 2020 à 18:23:52

Je vois aucun avantage d'être assujetti à un label en 2020. Secondo il faut légèrement timbré pour lancer des versions k7 et vinyle en 2020.

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