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Biografia : Izegrim

Izegrim recorded and released its first propaganda on tape, called 'Most Evil Demo' in spring 1998. The demo (featuring symphonic deathmetal) was generally received very positively by the media.

Izegrim released the self-financed mini-CD 'Bird of Prey' in the summer of 1999. From the start, Izegrim was received very well by both the media and audience at live-gigs.

Since the beginning of Izegrim´s existence the band has steadily become an established name in the Dutch metalscene. Our past performances gained us a substantial and steady fanbase through the years.

In november 2002 Izegrim released a new act of nihilism, called 'Guidelines for Genocide': a death-thrashing omen of doom that is certain to make you crave for an untimely death! Combining old-school thrash elements, catchy riffing and unconventional themes, Izegrim successfully probed new means to thrash.

It is 2005. This summer a new omen of doom has been released upon this mediocre world: ‘New World Order’. We all have been screwed for way too long. ‘New World Order’ was released as a pre-taster for Izegrim’s upcoming full length.

Early 2008 the second full-length ‘Tribute to Totalitarianism’ has been unleashed upon this world through Rusty Cage Records. T.t.T. contains 10 songs with influences of all styles, yet with a substantial Izegrim-flavour added to it. After a successful European tour with FLOTSAM & JETSAM and a Dutch mini-tour, founding member Joep and vocalist Kristien decided to focus on something else after 12 years of service and they left in the summer of 2008. Within the shortest period of time Ivo was recruited to replace Joep, and Marloes took over the vocals.

March 2009: ‘Point of no Return’ is Izegrim’s wake-up call to the world, introducing the new line-up with 3 brand new songs and a re-recorded version of Angel of Demise (taken from our sold out album ‘Guidelines for Genocide’).

Immediately after the release of "Point of no Return" Izegrim started writing/composing their new album. Their mission was to create the most versitale, riff-packed, in-your-face-sounding record in the history of Izegrim. After more than one year of working as hard as they ever did, they've accomplished their objectives. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jörg Uken (Soundlodge Studio), this record has become exactly the way they wanted it to be.

On top of that, Izegrim signed a pact with LISTENABLE RECORDS from France. The release date for "Code of Consequences" has been set for february 2011.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/izegrim