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Biography : Heiden

Heiden starts up in summer 2003 as raw Pagan black metal project founded by Kverd (the driving force behind the band) and very soon became his priority. After that, Tom aka Varnag joined the band and "monster" starts to breathe. First simple steps on a musical field lined with nature mysticism and celtic heritage were represented by one demo and two project full-lenght albums, but a taste to continue in this form falls off soon With increasing number of similar bands and projects. The well simply runs dry.

Years 2006 - 2007 go past around Heiden in the sign of experiments, finding new identity and line-up as well. Everything starts with Einsk (he joined the band in summer 2005). Suddenly Heiden was a regular band, has had a new blood and lot of ideas to think about. Musically Heiden expanded their sound by incorporating elements from Rock or Doom metal stuff, but still keeping their Black metal roots. Finding a solution means also few songs recorded in this period and released on "Era 2" (debut album for Heiden as a regular band) and successful split CD "Trollech vs Heiden" released under a banner of NAGA productions. In May 2007 Kalanis (bass) left a band due to disagreements and his post was replaced by dalias qelhma (ex-Hyperborean Desire).

Things move on, autumn 2007 - spring 2009 was a period of focussing and development of second full-lenght Heiden album, stuff based on decadent poetry and mainly melancholic moods. Album was recorded in famous Shaark studio (Master, Root, Equirhodont etc.) and released on 3rd of March 2009 by NAGA productions. Obsidian means huge step forward for Heiden as a band (and individualities as well). Reviews were really impressive and Heiden corroborated their position in Czech metal scene.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/heidenhorde