2017, Self-Released

War on Dead by Eyes Of The Living -
I heard this for first time in my dorm last week as it caught my ear walking down the hall. Shout out to Ted, who hooked me up. This album merges old school stuff my Dad loves to play, with newer shit I like. The lead track Count the days is one my Dad and other old heads are probably gonna love. It reminded me of something Judas Priest would have done, without Rob Halford singing. You know, the two guitar sound. My two Favorite tunes are Infected and Stench of Death. Both are ballsy deep dark tunes with catchy grooves.

I would also mention Pull the Trigger, Run for your life, and Chemical bath all have awesome thrash qualities that sound like a drag racing car’s engine on an open track. The sounds are so badass and they scream energy so loud, that I find myself looking for a pit to jump into or a gym to pump some weights (I ended up kicking a hole in the wall instead.)

The whole War on Dead album is very ballsy for having a well-polished sound. It also has a tiny bit of weird dark horror elements to it, like Rob Zombie. Though it is darker and not as cheesey as Rob Zombie. Throughout the album, screams, grunts, and groans can be heard like they are coming up from the deepest darkest depths of hell.

The vocal style is very interesting to me. It has a masculine scream to it with tone. It is not a type of Death or Black Scream but a pure street fighter scream. Like someone telling you they are gonna kick your teeth in.

The musicianship seems to be tight as shit. I want to see these guys play live. These guys must have been playing for years together. The drumming is pure badass, clean and crisp, except for the beginning of Hell on Earth. On that tune, the intro sounds like a drum machine. The bass really carries the rhythm on most of the songs and I love the driving tone at the end of Stench of Death. The guitar solos are pretty good too, especially on Pull the Fucking Trigger.

What I didn’t like about War on Dead was that some of the song lyrics seem to be using the same words from other songs. Like the guys who wrote the album wanted to see how many times they can say the same thing. Like it had some sort of theme. Would have like to have heard different lyrics.

I don’t know where these guys came from, but what a solid delivery for a debut thrash album. I give War on Dead by Eyes of the Living 8 ½ out of ten stars or 84%. Eyes of the Living is a new band going places and I am going along for the ride.

2017-07-20 08:59:53